i put an ace bandage on my wrist/hand yesterday evening.
i took a total of 1600 mg ibuprofin yesterday.
i'm pretty sure that's an excessive amount.
this morning i took another 800 mg.
i've been humbled.
an injury can do that to a body.
i am now limited to the use of my left arm/hand.
i wish i could mind my own business.
i try, i really do.
another humbler.
usually, i keep to myself, but yesterday when i was walking to the doctor's office (a 5 min walk) i deliberately struck up a conversation with a woman who lives kitty-corner to me. i'd never spoken to her before...
but i am a LOT nicer to ppl when i am sick or injured.
it's like my forcefield weakens. and i didn't want to walk alone.
she was pushing her 1 yr-old in a stroller and walking in my same direction.
anyway she seemed cool close-up but maybe that wasn't my neighbor at all cuz if it was, she seems cooler up-close.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
neither big nor small
i am
8:06 AM
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