Friday, September 21, 2007

believe me when i say

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i'm so full of unpleasant emotions and situations.
yesterday evening i met the father of the boy who hung himself and i immediately started crying and told him i was sorry for his loss. it was a social situation, so i went into the other room to cry some more about it and also feel all of my own stored grief piled onto it. argh!

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just because you like or love someone doesn't mean you have to move in with them or have sex with them, either. there are other ways to be in relationship with someone.
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my hand still hurts. people think i'm over-reacting about it, but i'm not okay?!
i've been alternating ice with ace bandage. since everyone in town thinks they know all of my business, people are assuming that my boyfriend is how my arm got hurt. even as i tell each person who asks about it, i can feel them not believing me. one guy was like, "are you sure you fell off your bike? cuz just say so and i'll kick someone's ass for you."

i assured him that everything is fine.