Wednesday, September 26, 2007

a lot to learn

my daughter has a cold.
kids are so much different when ill.
today i haven't been wearing the ace bandage. my middle finger still hurts but i can type with both hands, now. i had re-injured it at some point in the last few days so it has taken longer to heal... but we're in the homestretch. so to speak.

it's definitely a challenge to do so many things when you only have the use of one hand. things you take for granted.
there was a big huge spider in the kitchen sink this morning. he's gone now. dunno where he went. don't much care, either. i'm not arachnophobic.

change is afoot in my life. well it's always afoot in everyone's life, really... but i think i'm looking at some big changes in my life very soon, any way you look at it.

i'm just still unsure exactly what kind of change.

i think i just got a grain of salt in my right eye. that's always fun.
the other day this 20 yr-old woman asked how old i was and after i told her she was visibly surprised having assumed me to be half my age. just sayin'.
and lots of people think i'm hot and love my hair. but what do they know?